A bridge in the water that is built. With a link to the home page.


Generating and Integration

Object Engineering has extensive and diverse experience in implementing a big variety of software systems. We can assist you or your software supplier in implementing the modernization by using generation of new components from the metadata obtained earlier. This will have a very positive impact on cost efficiency, especially for large scale systems.

Generating new Artefacts

After completing the analysis process, one can efficiently use the resulting metadata to generate new artefacts based on the target architecture for the new system. Object Engineering has a flexible generation framework, thanks to which special generators can be created with little effort. This sometimes makes a modernization process possible in the first place.

Integration in the Sign of Digitization

Integration in the context of digitization is often underestimated while doing a modernization. Since it is necessary to connect older systems with new systems. Whether mainframe applications or specialized hardware, we bring them all together, as we build bridges to virtually any system and ensure that your data flows.

Reference Projects of Legacy Modernization

Take a look at some of our successful modernizations of legacy software, legacy systems, and software migrations. Our references of software modernization implementations are very diverse and are our testimony. We consider a satisfied customer to be our best reference. The projects below are a small excerpt from our portfolio.

  • Telecommunications
    Modernizing a GUI application originally written in Visual C ++ with 135 masks, 9400 fields transforming it into an agile web application using Angular JS using the metasave repository. (Article)
  • Telecommunications
    Generator for 2300 business rules of a specialised language into Java.
  • Telecommunications
    We rebuilt a CORBA host component (IMS Gateway) migrating it to a messaging platform.
  • Telecommunications
    We migrated communications software originally written in PL/1 and Assembler on Series/1 hardware to a modern RISC machines using Unix, C and C ++. (Article)
  • Telecommunications
    We created an adapter service for a Geo-System (WebService) in Java and integrated it with existing applications.
  • Telecommunications
    We created an adapter service for a CRM system (WebService) in Java and integrated it with existing applications. We did this using two plug-in versions, so the new CRM application could be introduced at whatever time.
  • Telecommunications
    We integrated a distributed system across multiple locations in Switzerland that allows customers to order ski passes via mobile phone (SMS) or on the Internet. Development was carried out with a team of other partners. We developed and integrated CORBA services for this project as well as the authentication servers used for "micro billing" and user identification.
  • Telecommunications
    Integrating the host application for a new CRM system to an existing infrastructure.
  • Public sector
    Web developed a web application for BEA Weblogic that collects and records real-time weather station data and maintains a historical record.
  • Public sector
    Redesign of a large CORBA interface and optimized the performance of a distributed application that catalogues the flow rates of waterways in Switzerland.
  • Finance
    Building a "bridge" to a trading system using messaging with a CORBA interface.
  • Finance
    Designing the architecture for a FIX infrastructure and connectivity to trading systems using the FIX eEngine Javelin and Cameron.
  • Telecommunications
    Migration of a varity of software versioning systems to a new, unified platform that consolidated version control across the enterprise.
  • Medicine
    We integrated a specialized LED matrix used for drug provisioning.
  • Logistics/Industrial
    We integrated RS485-connected scales to an ordering system for weight-based inventory control.
  • Technology
    Migration old CASE repositories intto a new CASE tool.
Your individual system on a newer platform and state of the art technology gives you more time for your core business!

Contact us for a complimentary first consultation